Data analytics helps companies convert their raw business data into actionable insights. Aartisto was assisting companies in making quick and data-driven decisions from the ever-changing surroundings by making a complete set of information analytics solutions.


On-demand data analysis: Get your data collected, processed and presented in the form of quick regular or one-time analytics insights and avoid the time and cost weight for developing and managing a full-scale analytical solution.

Subscription-based data analysis: With subscription-based information analysis, or Analytics as a Service, you also carry out data analysis onto a fully customized in-cloud analytics platform constructed and maintained by Aartisto.

BI and DWH consulting: We analyze your specific small business needs and provide recommendations on designing, creating, implementing or updating your analytics alternative.

BI and DWH implementation: Whether you think about executing a data analytics solution or completely revamping the existing one, Aartisto is ready to produce a time-effective solution fully compliant with your company objectives.

BI and DWH support and evolution: Get your analytics option within days or even hours. We examine the as-is analytical environment, define the stumbling blocks, and correct the problems that hinder you from approving data analytics.


Financial analytics :

  • Financial analytics: Monitoring revenue, Expenditures and profitability of a company.
  • Profitability Evaluation and Fiscal performance management.
  • Budget preparation, formulating long-term business plans.
  • Fiscal risk forecasting and Direction.

Customer analytics :

  • Customer behaviour analysis and predictive modelling.
  • Client segmentation for tailored advertising campaigns.
  • Personalized cross-selling and upselling offers for elongated customer lifetime value.
  • Predicting customer attrition and client support risk management.
  • Customer Opinion analysis for Raising Good-quality.

Brand and product analytics :

  • Conducting product performance analysis.
  • Tracking customer interactions with a product to determine pain points resulting in churn.
  • Conducting competitor benchmarking.

HR analytics :

  • Employee/department performance monitoring and analysis.
  • Employee experience and satisfaction analysis.
  • Employee retention Plan optimization and management.
  • Employee hiring strategy analysis and optimization.

Supply chain analytics :

  • Identifying demand drivers, consumer demand planning and forecasting.
  • Supplier performance Tracking and Analysis.
  • Predictive Path optimization.
  • Determining the optimal inventory level to fulfil the requirement and avoid stockouts, inventory management and planning.
  • Identifying patterns and Tendencies throughout the supply chain for Improved supply chain risks management.

Manufacturing analytics :

  • Total equipment effectiveness evaluation and optimization.
  • Manufacturing procedure quality forecast and Direction.
  • Gear maintenance scheduling.
  • Electricity consumption forecasting and optimization.
  • Production loss root cause Evaluation.